St Helen’s Church, Burghwallis

St Helen’s Church, Burghwallis

St Helen’s is an ancient, historic church in the Sheffield Diocese which has some of the earliest English inscriptions on its monuments and walls of largely herringbone construction. Ferrey and Mennim are inspecting architects for the church and found in the last quinquennial inspection that the roof had been badly affected by the overhanging trees and was significantly failing. Temporary protection was installed for the roof to prevent water ingress while permissions and funding were sought. The church was then fully re-roofed reusing the Victorian tiles which were found to generally be in good condition. Woodfibre insulation, bat safe membranes and enlarged rainwater goods have all been added to provide for environmental improvements, biodiversity and the effects of climate change. At the same time as the roofing works other high level repairs were undertaken to utilise the scaffolding. These included coping and apex cross replacement. The apex crosses were carefully carved to exactly match the dimensions and design of the originals they were to replace and are again a fitting ornament to the church.


Client: St Helen’s Church